The festival is the main cultural event during summer. The performances take place in several venues including the historic Atticus Theater. The Theater was built in the 2nd century AD and the Lykavitos Theater overlooking Athens. The highlight of the Festival are the performances of ancient Greek drama taking place in the splendid Epidaurus Theater near Athens, which was built in the 3rd century BC. Other summer festivals take place in the numerous open-air theaters of the Athens metropolitan area featuring concerts, theatrical plays and other performances. The Athens Festival aims at the preservation of the ancient heritage in conjunction with the promotion of Modern Greek achievements and international artistic trends. The Odeon was built in 161 A.D. by Herod Atticus in memory of his wife, Regilla. From June 7th to October 6th Performances start at 21:00 and at 20:30 in September. Every summer, since 1955 at the Herod Atticus Odeon, performances are held for the Athens Festival. Performances are staged from June through September in the ancient open-air theater, the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, in Athens(Acropolis).
Mid June-Late August. Various artistic performances are given during the summer season in the open-air theater on Lycabettus (Likavitos) Hill, in Athens. From May to September each year, there are performances of Greek dancing at the open-air theater on Philopappus Hill in Athens, presented by the Dora Stratou song and ballet group, which is well known throughout the world. Performance start at 21:00. The Lycabettus Theatre was erected in 1964. It was first used by the Greek Scene, Anna Synodinou Company. The theatre was restored and opened again in 1977. It is an outdoor amphitheatre with a seating capacity of 4,000, hosting part of the Athens Festival performances.
The Epidaurus Festival inaugurated in 1954.Soon established as a world renowned tradition of ancient Greek drama performance. The ancient theater at Epidaurus with 14,000 seats was built by the architect Polycleitos the Younger in the 3rd century B.C. The festival is held weekends only, from June 26th to August 27th. Performance starts at 21:00. Inagurated in 1954. The ancient theatre, built by Polykleitos the Younger in the 3rd century B.C., seats 14,000 people and is famous for its acoustics and its architectural beauty
As part of the broader program which accompanies the International Trade fair, there is an annual October series of theatrical, musical, ballet and operatic performances, given by Greek and foreign companies, as a revival of the tradition of Byzantine festive events in the capital of Macedonia.
As part of the broader program which accompanies the International Trade fair, there is an annual October series of theatrical, musical, ballet and operatic performances, given by Greek and foreign companies, as a revival of the tradition of Byzantine festive events in the capital of Macedonia.
FILM AND SONG FESTIVALAs part of the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair in September, a Festival of Greek Popular Song is held in the Palais de Sports which is located inside the grounds of the Fair. As soon as the Fair is over, two interesting festivals of Greek and for eign films are organized. Both events take place in the theater of the Association of Macedonian Studies.
NAUPLIA INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL A festival with renowned classical music performed for one week during the month of June.